Thursday, January 11, 2007

Artifact Four

Epstein, Edward. "Boxer wants new voting machines to give receipts; Bill is among a flurry of proposals prompted by fears over security of electronic systems.(NEWS)." San Francisco Chronicle. (Dec 12, 2003): A10. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Centennial High School (MD). 11 Jan. 2007

Senator Barbara Boxer was quoted as saying she would propose a law requiring all states with counties that use such computerized touch-screen systems to provide voters with a paper receipt -- and do it by next November's presidential election. Unfortunately something must have come up between then and now because since then two elections (one presidential) Nothing like this had come about. I personally think that this is a perfect idea. When you walk out of the poling area they could provide with paper shredders so you could destroy your receipt and no one could know how you voted. This would just be another way of making sure that you are n0t leaving the poling place worrying if your vote was cast for the person you wanted it to go for.

California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley became the first elected official to order poling places to provide receipts. Unfortunately his order will only cover the state of California but hopefully other states will follow his ideas if the 2006 elections work out well in California.

Senator Boxers proposal was sparked by the many proposals in Congress to deal with the rise of electronic voting. After a multibillion dollar law was past to prevent problems like those in Florida in the 2000 which marked end of the punch card voting era.This has been a hot button topic in politics and has been an issue often discussed by the Democrats, but is now a topic being discussed by the Republicans also.

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