Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Artifact Seven

"Security Researchers Discover Flaws in E-Voting System.(Brief Article)." Communications Today 9.136 (July 28, 2003): 0. Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. Centennial High School (MD). 23 Jan. 2007

This brief article talks about how Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is calling for the "immediate passage of e-voting legislation to prevent election fraud." The are also "strongly pushing a bill authored by Rep. Rush Holt...the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2003 (HR 2239), that would require open-source software and voter-verifiable paper audit trails for all new e-voting machines.

This article also sights the research of Johns Hopkins University and Rice University students. They also made it clear that (EFF) is a company that is for the growth of electronic voting but they are not willing to push their cause to take away one of the basic rights of the United States citizens and that the system "isn't ready for the prime time."

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